Basic Web Design Review Cards

Every page is easily accessible with minimal link levels.

What does it mean when a website has flat architecture?
Having one page version for vistors and another for search engines.

What is an example of a Black Hat optimization?
High bounce rate

What is a disadvantage of too much multimedia on a webpage?
Having a Contact Us page with multiple contact methods.

What is an example of White Hat optimization?
Float text descriptions next to their corresponding images.

What is a way to take advantage of the space afforded in a widescreen display?
Rearranging elements to fit closer to an 8.5"x11"x8.5" portion.

Which of these are most likely to be implemented in a print version specifically to conserve paper?

Which of the following should be included with a responsive image?
Use display:none on superfluous videos.

What is an example of a likley media query choice to use for bother smartphones and a print version?